45 years of
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1763 Columbia Avenue. Lancaster, PA 17603
Walk-Ins Welcome
You are most likely about to learn more about partial dentures than you ever have from any one source. Please keep in mind that our partial dentures are custom built with advanced techniques in the hands of a really experienced denture technologists. Our highly trained and experienced denture lab technician has over twenty-five years experience. She is extremely meticulous and has a keen eye for aesthetic life-like details.
Today’s technology offers numerous types of partial dentures. Personal choices in partial denture care offer different benefits, while certain partials may be the only alternative for patients with particular conditions. There is no greater informational source about partial dentures than a personal visit to our dental team for a free consultation. Our staff includes knowledgeable and caring lab technicians and dentists. Additionally, all of our dentures and partial dentures are built right here in our own in-house custom dental laboratory. If you have had a bad experience with partial dentures in the past. The following information is designed to inform you of various partial denture options.
Emergency Partial Dentures
Emergency partial dentures can be made in less than three hours. For this service, it is necessary to arrange for an appointment in advance. Emergency partial dentures are also referred to as same day partial dentures, partial dentures in a day and one day dentures.
Immediate Partial Dentures
Immediate partial dentures are inserted into the patient’s mouth immediately following tooth extractions or, as some say "put in as soon as", "when or right after your teeth are pulled". This service will eliminate your need of having to be in public with missing teeth.
Comfa-Grip Partial Dentures
Comfa-Grip partial dentures are precisionally built with the highest of quality, to fit accurately and comfortably. They are very light in weight, yet to onlookers they will look like your own natural teeth; completely undetectable that they are partials. Comfa-Grip partial dentures have a natural cosmetic blending effect that harmonizes with your remaining teeth. They actually look more natural than most crowns (caps).
Comfa Flex Combo Partial Dentures
Comfa-Grip partial dentures are flexible partial dentures that, first of all do not show any metal. They stay in well due to the gum color flexible areas that snap around your teeth. The beauty of the Comfa Flex Combo partial is that it is tissue and tooth supported by biocompatible precision cast alloy rests, giving it adequate stability while chewing your favorite food.
Natural Blend Partial Dentures
Natural FlexTM partials are much like the Comfa Flex Combo partials, although they are completely metal free (non metallic). Natural Flex is made with a totally flexible gum color material.
Economy Partial Dentures
Economy Partial dentures are low cost dentures that are made by our own technicians, right here in our own laboratory; designed and built for affordability.
We warmly invite you to call us for a free consultation and also to ask us as many questions, pertaining to your concerns, as you would like.